...photography, illustrations, rambling, living, etc.
@PZTZR for twitter and instagram and etc


Birthday Card

Happy birthday Duffy...


Shutter Dragon

One assignment we had this semester for the class Advanced Studio Lighting with Greg Blue was shutter drag. It took me the longest out of any to complete. I guess the concept didn't click (dark subject white background, duration light and strobe, long exposure, move the camera) even though it's relatively simple. Well I shot it this weekend. Here's my setup and two of the final images.

Nikon d90 w/85mm f1.4
P.S. more potato heads to come.


Potato Head

1. Go to grocery store produce section.
2. Find a potato that looks like a head (they all do).
3. Photograph it on white seamless.
4. Draw the face in the potato over top.
5. Colour it in.

Scans: Visio Dei II

The scans from The Lab turned out much better than the ones from Lens & Shutter. Check out this delicious grain!

I've really been digging Art Deco colour schemes lately. Will try to do some illustrations tonight using vibrant teals, warm/cool grays and saturated pinks. Yay colour!