...photography, illustrations, rambling, living, etc.
@PZTZR for twitter and instagram and etc


October Drawings viii: Quentin Paint

Some people have said I look like Quentin Tarantino because we both have big chins. Ok. Fair enough. Plus WTF Lemmy was in Hawkwind! How did I not know this?


October Drawings vii: Three of One W/ Colour

I'm working on my digital painting. Comparing the faces and hair to the jackets and hands I see improvement. Quiet.
Went to an art school art show this evening. It was an interdisciplinary show (art, design, photography) and also not a grad show. I think that kept the work from becoming too pretentious and more automatic. Not too overly thought out like some years. Yups.

Also, one day i'll be the this of that. Asemic writing and whatns. Not a lot of thought going into this, just this.


October Drawings vi: Hands!

Hands! So much fun.



October Drawings iv: Erron Mader Third Eye

This is an example of where I want to take my drawings. Right now I'm essentially tracing photographs bit for bit, but I've been wanting to try doing some quick photoshop collages and then tracing. This would allow me to get more surreal than these party snapshots could ever be.* I could also recompose the image however I like after the photo was taken (imagine that!) AND introduce concepts inspired by the poses and expressions in the photograph, and also to whatever muses happen to inspire. You dig? This is the start of that.

*I did find these photographs to be quite spooky at 3:00 am


October Drawings iii: Erron White on Black

Made it small, save as, close window, do you want to save?, yes. Oh fuck, lost big original. Classic.