...photography, illustrations, rambling, living, etc.
@PZTZR for twitter and instagram and etc


Six months ago when I got my scanner I was sure that scanning photo prints was making digital copies of an analog medium. Now that I've been scanning so much, and had so much time to contemplate the nature of imaging (not photography?) while waiting for the scanner, my thoughts on this have… evolved.
This digital version seems different to my eye, it's far less contrasty, and the damage to the print is now a part of the image, as time passes the original print will get more scratches but this SCAN is a moment in time for THE ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH. A photo of a photo. I'm starting to think that this is actually a whole new image. One related to the original print yes, but a distinct and separate entity.
The PHOTO is of my father Lane Onyschuk and my uncle Johannes Zits.
And so is the scan.